

Congratulations and updates!

Posted by Andover XC on Aug 29 2024 at 06:51PM PDT

Hello Cross families,

Congratulations for a great first meet! We are so very proud of our entire boys and girls teams! We are off to a great start!

We wanted to provide a few quick updates for everyone:

1. Butter braids are due paper forms are due next Tuesday. Please contact Bridget at 612-418-9354 to coordinate pick up of the forms along with the money. You can also send the following link to anyone who wants to order directly

2. Chipotle Riverdale fundraiser September 7th, from 5pm-9pm. Please mention Andover Cross Country at checkout so we can ensure any sales go back to the team.

3. We have tentatively secured our Pizza Ranch fundraiser for October 14, 2024 from 4:00pm- 9:15pm. We need at least 10 kids to volunteer and no more than 12. We can not split the shift up and there may be an additional day of training, although we are working with Pizza Ranch directly to try to get the training to happen the day of. If you are willing to participate, please sign up here:

4. NXR is November 10th! Please email if you are wanting your child to participate in NXR this year so she can start the list.
If you are wanting to book additional rooms, here’s the link:,%20Sioux%20Falls,%20SD,%20US&srb_u=1&qChAge=&qRmFltr=

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

XC Booster Club


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